
Sounds of Space Project

ABOUT THE ALBUM We invite you to turn your attention to space. Space is vast as we know. Here we have the opportunity to really think about what this vastness means to us as we listen. Let us imagine time and space in the grandest sense and go on a spectacular journey to hear our planet, our neighboring  spatial bodies, the two giant planets in our solar system, interstellar space, a galactic pulsar, and the merger of two black holes as evidenced by the first observed gravitation wave, an almost unbelievable ripple in space time that Einstein doubted we could ever capture. Space is a vacuum and utterly silent, with no capacity for the transmission of sound waves. In contrast, electromagnetic waves and gravitational waves can travel in the almost perfect vacuum of space, providing us with information on the astronomical objects within and beyond our solar system. In this album we primarily hear the ‘sounds’ of space through the conversion of electromagnetic waves and gravitational waves

Every Robot Needs "Home" Position!

    If you worked with industrial robots  before  or will work with them, you probably heard or will hear two magic words mostly which are " Home Position ".  This is some unwritten deal with human and machines to work in peace(don't fear from the robots if take them into  the home position at the starting). "Did you send the robot at home position after initializing the system(alright depends on the scenario)?" or "PLC step waits the robot at home signal for starting" are the sentences which used by the people who work with robots. So it is important to understand the concept of home position and home signal for the agreement for the outer devices such as other robots and PLCs. For an example, I would like to mention about how to define home position and home position signal at the Epson robots . I used Epson RC+ 7.0 software for this. In this way, I had made a quick introduction to this robot brand. What Is Home Position? The Home Position could be

What Should You Do When Robot Collide With?

     When programming a robot in manual mode or trying it into automatic mode in production, robot could collide with other robots, machine parts or anything else into the cell. In that case, you may not keep going robot because of the collision effect onto the robot axes. It is hard to continue with just resetting the error and moving robot directly. Robot shock sensors/algorithms/torque controls sense the collision and stops immediately for preventing robot and other stuffs from huge damage.  Figure 1: Illustration of Collision             Quick Information: I create a Reddit topic to understand " How industrial robots understand collision and stop immediately?  " Figure 2: Reddit Most Voted Answers       In this post, I would like to mention about how to change the level of the detection of each axes and/or making collision detection valid or invalid for maintaining the robot moveable after robot collision. I prepared some detailed information especially for two robots w

Many Jobs At A Time - Soft Robotic

     Last night I read an article about soft robotics at the IEEE Spectrum magazine . This article was publish  by Cecilia Laschi  at March, 2017 which name is "A robot octopus points the way to soft robotics". Then I found the related article from the internet.(You can access from this link ). The article was simply related with soft robotic project and outcomes of this project.  " As a professor at the BioRobotics Institute at the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, in Pisa, Italy, I lead a team investigating soft robotics. This relatively new field of research has the potential to upend our ideas about what robots are capable of and where they can be useful. I chose to build robots that mimic the form of the octopus for two reasons. First, because they’re well suited to demonstrate the many advantages that come when a machine can flex and squish as needed. Also, it’s an excellent engineering challenge: An octopus with eight wiggly arms, which must work together in the face of

What Does An Industrial Robot Specialist Do In Work Life?

Industry is growing day by day. This sentence may look very simple but it has many meaning. With Industry 4.0 and IoT, robotic technologies have been gaining more importance. Most production lines need more automation and robots for many reasons. These reasons may be the topic of an another post. Let's go back the subject of this post.  Many people asked me "What do you do in your job?" when we met for the first time. I always try to explain my job in its simplest form if this person don't know anything about industrial robots and programming. I prefer to say robot with "industrial". Because if I say just robots, people think about the robots like cinematographic way. For that I explained " What Is Robot? " in my one of old post. Sometimes high school students asked me the same questions for future career plans. In this way I feel responsible to tell my job fully to be aware of. I decided to gather all of my experiences about this description in on

How To Get MotoSimVRC - Offline Simulation Software?

After a few questions about offline simulation platform of Yaskawa Motoman Robotics which is called MotoSimVRC, I decided to write a quick post to collect the answers. So I listed the questions below and tried to explain briefly.  How to get  MotoSimVRC? You can find the latest version(and older versions, too) of the  MotoSimVRC from this link . Important note: You have to register this site with your company e-mail only. After applying for being a member to website, you need to have at least two days for verification(it was like that when I have done). In addition to that, this membership has 2 years duration. After two years, your membership is expired. Fig : After Login After login you can access the download link from Download Area -> Application Software. Is this software licensed? Simply yes. This software is licensed by Yaskawa. But they offer a demo mode which can used only for 90 days and it is not intended for productional usage. All software packages are full versions req

What If Your Robot Moves Unexpectedly?

Manipulator Model:  Yaskawa Motoman GP180 Controller Model : YRC1000 Application:  Handling and Palletizing This morning I faced an annoying problem, which was related to robot movement through the programmed steps during the playback. For solving this problem, I tried some solutions and as a result, I am thinking that I solved this problem. Therefore, I decided to create a post for problem definition and solving of this problem.  Shortly explaining my problem, when robot goes from one point to the another point robot tool is turning 360 degree at around itself to reach same coordinate. It may causes major problems such as collide with something at the cell, destroying cables of sensors onto the tool. On the other hand, this type of movement had no sense to move like that. (Who wants extra paths and movements at the robot?).  To reach the solution, I tried three steps, which are listed below: Change the orientation degrees of the point data. (Sending away Rx, Ry and Rz from 0 and +-180

News: Progea Group Has Been Acquired Emerson!

    Emerson has announced that acquisition of  Progea Group has completed at 1st October 2020. As you may know Emerson is a global technology and engineering company providing innovative solutions for customers in industrial, commercial and residential markets. After this agreement we can say Progea as a Emerson company. We will see what will change after this acquisition. According to the informing by the Progea Group, all the agreements before this acquisition will be held by the Emerson. T erms of the deal were not disclosed. The acquired firm, Progea Group, provides software for industrial automation. That includes internet of things (IoT), plant analytics, human machine interface and supervisory control and data acquisition technology. Based in Modena, Italy, Progea has about 55 employees. It seems that Emerson boost their software portfolio after buying Progea Group. Thanks For Reading... Okan Okumuş 14.10.2020

Questions About Movicon 11 SCADA and Movicon.Next SCADA

      I would like to start a thread for Movicon 11  SCADA and Movicon Next for solving basic problems. So you can write your question(s) below into the " comment " side and then I(or anyone who want) will try to give the answer your question. We, as the learner of the Movicon, are waiting your questions and contributions. Friendly Reminder: Progea website Movicon 11 SCADA forum link Progea website Movicon.Next SCADA forum  link Thanks For Reading &  Making Contributions... Okan Okumuş 21.08.2020

Movicon 11.6: Trend

    "Trend" is an another important concept in industrial automation systems and most of the time trends and graphics essentially use in automation systems. Movicon 11 SCADA provides us very flex and strong toll which should be used in many different kind of industry. I used Trends at my last Energy Monitoring project intensively which basically show the daily changing of the energy consumption such as Water , Steam , Nitrogen  and Electric . They shows So I decided to write a post which is related to the Trend with a basic example. I listed ingredients of the sample program below; Basic Script Trigonometric computation at each second change Event The script will be executed at every system second is changed System Variable and Double Type Variables System second for event Double variables;  Degree [0...360], Sinus Value [-1...1] and Cosine Value [-1...1] Some Important Links YouTube Link Sample Programs and Documents     The data that you want to show in Trend may come form